32 Across Craps Strategy

Posted By admin On 19/07/22

You want $32 across, $64 across, $96 across, $128 across, or $160 across. If you want to bet bigger than that – again – just add a zero. These are standard sized bets at the table and, because most dealer see them hundreds of times a day, there’s no delay of game in getting them up and on. Is '$32 across' a good bet? The casino's edge exceeds that on Pass or Come bets at craps or in well-played blackjack, but is on a par with wagers at baccarat and below those in most other table games. The decision rate is high so the toll of house advantage can add up fast. In his A Boomers Guide to the Gaming Life, our author takes you on his month long Craps Odysseys and illustrates his Five Playing Strategies that earn him on average $180 daily. Travel with him across the country and see how he is doing it. Craps is a game where players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. The craps table at any casino is always packed because this isn’t your typical game of dice. Saying that craps is a casino game played with dice is like telling people that Mount Rushmore is a sculpture of some dead guys.

Welcome to our section on Craps Strategy. This section is written for the more experienced player or someone who is at least familiar with the basics of the game. We would recommend that you review our introduction to Craps which covers the basic Rules of Craps, Craps Bets, Odds and simple strategy.

Craps Strategy:

Now that you have read the basic rules and have a basic understanding of the game, lets go make some money. The first thing that you have to do is set a goal. When I show a new player how to play craps, there are a few basic questions that I like to ask:

What type of player are you - conservative or aggressive?

What do you consider a win?

Would you be satisfied breaking even?

What would you consider a lot of money?

How much do you feel comfortable losing?

A Basic Look at the Odds of place bets:

The odds of throwing a 7 are constant at 6 in 36 or 16.7%

The odds of throwing a 4 or 10 are 3 in 36 or 8.3% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 9 to 5

The odds of throwing a 5 or 9 are 4 in 36 or 11.1% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 7 to 5

The odds of throwing a 6 or 8 are 5 in 36 or 13.9% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 7 to 6

vs. the payout of a buy bet:

The odds of throwing a 7 are constant at 6 in 36 or 16.7%

The odds of throwing a 4 or 10 are 3 in 36 or 8.3% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 2 to 1

The odds of throwing a 5 or 9 are 4 in 36 or 11.1% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 3 to 2

The odds of throwing a 6 or 8 are 5 in 36 or 13.9% vs. 16.7% for a 7

the payoff is 6 to 5

Now factor in that a buy bet requires a 5% fee and you will see that if you buy the 6 or 8, that you will receive $72 for your $60 bet 6/5 but pay $3 in 'vig' or house commissions so it is actually a worse bet than a standard place bet and on a $100 bet on the 5 or 9 you would get $150 on a buy instead of $140 but it would cost you $5.00 in 'vig' so the benefits are quite small. For that reason, we only recommend buying either the 4 or 10.

Aggressive Strategies:

In all of the years that I have played craps, all of the major wins (over $1,000 on a $5.00 table) that I have witnessed or participated in have all involved aggressive strategies with presses and/or parlay bets. For discussion sake, I am reducing the amount bet to reflect a $5.00 table. All examples also assume a point of 9, if the point were 6 or 8 the actual bet would be $26 across.

Strategy 1: 27 Across with automatic press. Goal is $1,000

If you bet $27 across, that means that you have bet $5 on the 4,5 and 10 and $6 on the 6 and 8.

When a number hits, you simply press the number and take the excess profit. On the 6 and 8 you will get $1.00, on the 5 you will get $2.00 and on the 4 or 10 you will get $4.00. As you begin to hit numbers, your bets will increase geometrically and it is typical to have $30 bet on the 6 or a $90 bet on the 8. When a number hits for a second time,

Now lets take a look at what happens with a random series:

4,8,5,5,8,4,4,3,8,9 (Point)

The end results (4 is now at $40, 5 is now at $20, 6 is at $6, 8 is now at $48, 10 is at $5). You have dragged : $31 on the 4 which may be hard for you to figure out since you would buy the 4 at $20, $6 on the 5, $7 on the 8 = $44 but you currently have $119.00 in bets on the table. This is where money management comes into play, many players will either start over or redistribute the bets to $54 across (banking the additional $65.00). This is why its important to have a specific goal and understand the trends of the table. If it has been a hot table, then go with it. Setting the point a 9 again here is another random series:

6,8,8,9 (Point)

4 - $40, 5 - $20, 6 - $12, 8 - $192, 10 - $5

This is a very typical series. At most tables during hot roles, you will see stretches of numbers, and then a few numbers and a point. Most players would not press the 8 to $192 while only having a $5 bet on the 10 or a $12 bet on the 6, but that is what's hitting. The whole reason that we press numbers is that every game in the casino runs in streaks. Back to Back Black Jacks, numbers repeating at Roulette, and somebody throwing a number several times in a row.

Again, here is a decision point, you have dragged a total of $44.00 + $1 on the 6 + an additional $24 on the 8 so your total in the rack is $69.00 with $269.00 on the table or a running total of + $311 (338 - 27). The money on the table is pure profit ... that is why we asked the original questions, how much is your goal? If being ahead $300 would be enough, then lock in your profits. Other options at this point would be to redistribute the bets to $266 ($50 buy on 4 & 10 (+2), $60 on 6 & 8, and $50 on 9) or $132 across ($25 buy (+1) on 4 & 10, $30 on 6 & 8 and $25.00 on 5). We have set our goal at $1,000 so let's keep going. Here is another random series:

Point is set at 5 (so the $20 bet on 5 moves to the 9)

6,10,11,12,6,2,6,8,9,4,8,5 (Point)

Should we have redistributed the bets? Let's take a look. The 4 would now be $80, the 6 would now be $48, the 8 would now be $768, the 9 would be $40 and the 10 would be $10.00. Total dragged would be $69 (previous) + ($39 on 4, $6 on 6, $96 on 8, $8 on 9 and $4 on 10) = $222 with $946 on the table = $1168. Had we redistributed to $264 across we would have gone to $100 on 4, $480 on 6, $240 on 8, $100 on 9 and $100 on 10 or a variance of $74. That's easy to second guess, but what if we had thrown 3 or 4 more 8's?

Although we reached our goal, remember that every time a point is made, you have to be aware of what is on the table and how much have you dragged. You have to keep a balance. I have often seen players press numbers to $300 or $600 with only a $100 in the rack in front of them. Part of solid money management techniques is to make sure that you lock in a portion of your profits.

Remember, a seven will be thrown 1/6 of the time. The odds of 1 roll not being a 7 are 5/6, 36 possible numbers with only 6 ways to throw a 7. With that in mind, the odds of not throwing a 7 in 10 rolls would be about 1.6 to 1 and the odds of not throwing a seven in 30 rolls at about 5 to 1. Statistically, you will find that about 1 in 25 shooters will actually have a good roll (30+ numbers) with about 1 in 75 shooters having a great roll (50+ numbers). Most Great Rolls will have numerous 7's, they just happen to fall on a coming out roll.

Variation: Speed Press

A great way to build on a hot table is a speed press. You start with 27 or 32 across. When either the 6 or 8 hits you drop an additional $5.00 and go to $18. On the 5 or 9, you drop an additional $3.00 and go to $15 and on the 4 or 10 you drop $1.00 and go to $15. On the next hit, go to $30 and drag the profits. Continue as shown above.


One of the quickest ways to take advantage of a hot table is systematic progressions. By definition, most hot tables will have multiple hits on several numbers. Quite often you will see groupings of 6 - 10 hits on one or two numbers ... 8,9,9,8,10,9,9,5,9,9 ... As often as I have seen those sequences ... we have all seen the poor soul at the end of the table who watches a hot table with $10 on one number only to see it hit all around for what seems like eternity only to seven out ... You want to look for that person (and never be that person) ... react to the table, there is always someone who is lucky and when you know how to bet on other peoples luck ... you can always make money ...

(By the way, if you hit a big score ... take care of the dealers and flip a couple of chips to the poor guy who's loosing streak you just capitalized on ... it's good Karma)

Take a standard bet of $5 on the 4 or 10 ... (use whatever base bet amount you want)

On each hit double the bet unit until you reach $80 on that number:

$5 to #1 - $10 to #2 - $20 (buy) to #3 - $40 (buy) to #4 - $80 (buy)
Here you have locked in $80 in profit (4+7+19+40) and you have $80 on the table ... you only pay for the buy when it hits (Vegas, not Atlantic City) Every time the number hits, you are locking in another $156 in profit. If you prefer, go to $100 after the next hit and then press in $25 or $50 increments.

On the 5 and 9 - again double the bet until you reach $80
$5 to #1 - $10 to #2 - $20 to #3 - $40 to #4 - $80
After the 4th number, you have $22 in the tray with $80 on the table. This goes against money management principles so be careful ... it's all feel ... but you have recovered your bet and now every time the number hits, you collect $112.00

On the 6 and 8 - again you double the bet until you reach $84 or 90 (must be $6 increment) so your $6 bet goes to $12 after the first press, after the 2nd it goes to $24, after the 3rd hit go to $48.00 and finally after the 4th hit, go to $84 or $90. Take note that the increase is faster ... this is because the base bet amount is higher ... but it also means you recover less money if you don't complete the cycle of 4 hits. In fact, you will only have $19.00 (1+2+4+12) in the tray once you complete the cycle so don't be afraid to modify this and drag one bet to lock in a profit. Once you have completed the cycle, each hit on the number will net you $98.00

As you can see, once you have the table loaded up ... you are making serious money on every roll of the dice.

Betting Wrong

Many players resist betting against a shooter. There are times when you have to face the fact that a table is cold ... maybe they are all cold ... maybe its the only game open ... but for what ever reason, you are at a table that is cold or worse yet ... choppy.

A cold table is just as easy to make money at as a hot table, you just have to think backwards...but a choppy table, where the shooter will make one point and then seven out ... that can be difficult to survive let alone make money.

Betting wrong simply means betting the Don't Pass and The Don't Come. Odds are taken, but the payoff are exactly the opposite - you lay 20 to get 10 on the 4 and 10, 30 to get 20 on the 5 and 9 and 30 to get 25 on the 6 and 8. Instead of placing numbers, you lay against them (40 no 10) means you be $40 that there won't be a 10 and if there is a seven before the 10 is thrown, they pay you $20. You can lay against any number ... we just used 10 as an example.

One strategy that often works on a cold or choppy table is a hedge strategy. You start with a bet of $15 on the Don't pass. I typically don't insure it with an any seven or a YO bet because you can't afford the house edge when you are playing tight. With a point established, I will bet $15 - 22 inside (adjust if the point is inside and either play 3 numbers or add the 4 or 10) and place a $6 don't come bet. As each number is thrown, I now increase my bet on the established point until it equals my bet on the Don't pass ... and have turned the house edge in my favor ... every number thrown results in a small profit and in the event of a seven ... every bet is covered so you will have had several roles with no risk.

Protection and When to Take it down ...

We've covered a lot of material in this section, but no Craps strategy guide would be complete without a frank discussion of when to take it down. Feel is so important in the game, it's like life ... when things are going good ... they go great ... when the go bad ... it goes bad in a hurry. Many people blame the dice leaving the table, or a waitress brining a drink, or a nagging wife/girlfriend (my favorite) or a new player jumping in ... What do these factors all have in common??

They all change the tempo of the game.

When you notice anything that changes the rhythm of the game ... don't be afraid to take your bets down ... (you can just say 'I'm off' to the dealer and they will mark your bets off).

If you don't want to take your bets off, there are a few ways to protect yourself.

Any seven - Once the table is loaded, you are making about $100 per throw ... you can protect yourself with a bet on any seven (a very bad bet odds wise) which pays 4-1 or you can make a come bet of an amount that is a 'recovery bet' say $50 - 100 so if they throw a seven, you at least recover a portion of what you have at risk. If you have a gut feel that things are going to end but you don't want to miss out if the roll continues ... take your bets down to 54 or 108 across and start over ... you should never regret locking in a big win ...

Next >

Craps is among the top-rated and widely-favored games of chance, attracting countless players to real-life casinos and online gambling sites.

Being good at Craps takes certain knowledge, skills, and the right attitude. It also requires players to find and follow the best Craps strategy according to their playstyle, budget, and needs. The game has rules and specifics that gamblers should learn before they plunge into the deep waters of professional play.

The Craps table, regardless of whether you play in a traditional offline casino or an online facility, has multiple betting sections. To play casino Craps successfully, you need to know when, how, and where to put your chips on the table. The many aspects of Craps may give inexperienced players the impression that it’s challenging, but we’re here to help.

Read on to discover how to pick the best strategy for Craps, which casinos to visit, and all the secrets that will help you become a master.

Play Free Craps


As a new player, you don’t need to master any advanced Craps strategy. Your first concern should be to find a free version and see if you’ll enjoy it. Luckily, many internet iGaming sites offer free online Craps where you can experiment to your heart’s content. There’s no need to download special software – you can play the game via your web browser, using free chips.

There is another option, too – some casinos provide promotions that require no deposit. Thus, you can check out and try playing Craps without making costly mistakes due to a lack of experience or a misunderstanding of the rules. To wager for free is the perfect method to learn the basic bets and any craps betting strategy without wasting money. We provide a playable demo on our website too. Just click the play button on the right to try it out.

How to Play Craps Like a Professional

Finding a suitable approach to playing Craps is unquestionably the key to success, but there are other factors that you should consider before you begin your game. The essential factors that have a substantial influence on the quality of the game and the chances to win include choosing whether to play online or offline, finding a reliable casino and testing Craps betting strategy tips while playing for free to brush up on your skills. Let us take a close look at these factors and discuss their importance:

How to Choose an Online Casino for Craps

Experienced bettors understand that it is crucial to wager only in reputable and licensed casinos. To find such an establishment, you could follow online reviews and customer opinions on the internet. Such reports are valuable because they provide first-hand information about the workings of casinos and can give you an idea of what to expect.

Decisive characteristics that you should look for include the type of Craps software used by the casino and the available payment options. Furthermore, the top operators feature demo modes that will allow you to trial Craps betting strategy ideas with no financial risk. The quality and fairness of a game depend on the developers behind it. Choosing established iGaming studios ensures that you can enjoy flawless and smooth products with superior quality.

The variety of payment options and transparent banking conditions are also essential, as complications are the last thing you need when it comes to deposits and withdrawals. Look for Craps sites that provide secure and widely-used methods, such as debit & credit cards, e-Wallets, wire transfers, and so on. Do not hesitate to select a casino that provides the method which is most suitable for you.

Best Craps Casinos

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Cherry Jackpot

200% on first 10 Deposits

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Sloto Cash

200% Welcome Bonus

$3,000 per week

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Spin Palace

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Uptown Aces

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american ecoPayz
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Leo Vegas

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200% Sign Up Bonus + 50 free spins

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Bank Wire
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Up to $5,000

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50% up to $500

$3,000 per Week

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Jackpot City

$1,600 FREE

$3,000 per Week

master card
+3 more

Playing Craps Online or Offline

In the past, brick-and-mortar casinos were the single option for anyone willing to try their luck. People did not have any alternatives on where to play the games they favor. Still, this is when Craps gained popularity as the ultimate social gambling game. Folks gathered up, wagered in unison, and cheered when they won. This aspect of the game was and still is a big reason for many to visit real-life venues. The biggest craps winners are still found at the craps table in land based casinos.

On the other hand, technological advancements resulted in the boom of online casinos, which have different advantages. Playing casino Craps online has numerous perks. The games are accessible at any time of the day, and you can find the best Craps betting strategy with no pressure. Online gaming gives you the freedom to play whenever you wish and does not tie you down to your computer at home.

Online Craps games also enable you to understand the craps rules and place bets without worrying about the crowd. Thus, you will obtain experience and skills, which will make you more confident. You will also decide which approach works best for you without risking any of your personal funds.

We should mention that certain online casinos offer generous bonuses that you can use to place wagers and enjoy Craps or other intriguing casino games.

Online games also allow you to go at your own pace. No angry bettors will disturb you if your casino Craps strategy goes against their superstitions (this happens a lot). Many punters prefer playing on their mobile devices, which gives them unparalleled mobility and freedom. You can also participate in Craps tournaments organized by online casinos – something that rarely happens in traditional venues. As you can see, playing online Craps has numerous benefits that are worthy of consideration.

After you locate a trustworthy offline or online casino and get used to the basics, you should concentrate on finding the right plan of action. Many people boast that they’ve got the best system, which could be confusing, especially if you’re a non-experienced player. Continue reading to learn more.

Finding A Winning Craps Strategy

After you select a good casino and brush your skills by playing free craps games online, it is time to get familiar with the best strategy for craps. Adopting a craps betting strategy will help you find out more about the game and star playing like a real professional. At first, it may seem intimidating and challenging, but understanding and a winning craps strategy that functions perfectly will make a significant difference.

32 Across Craps Strategy Definition

The essential wager each craps player should understand and know is the so-called pass line bet, which is done as you put your chips directly on that line just before the come out roll. In case the shooter manages to roll 7 or 11, then the wager pays off an even amount of cash. Your bet becomes losing in case the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12, and this situation is known as “craps out”. When do you win? Your wager is winning when the shooter rolls any other number. In this case, the rolled number turns into a box point, and you win if the shooter rolls the same number before they make the so-called “seven out“.

The pass line bet has a house edge of just 1.41%. The opposing wager is the “don’t pass” bet and its main characteristic is the lower house edge. However, a wise recommendation is not to use this particular wager because it will unquestionably get you some enemies at the playing table. You can practice the bet when playing casino craps online because you do not risk experiencing the anger of other players.

As soon as the point gets established, you are able to take odds. Taking odds is an extra wager, which typically is the best possible bet in the casino. Why? The answer is that the wager pays of actual odds as there is no house edge this time. However, casinos put restrictions as to the amount gamblers can wager in this situation. The majority of traditional and online casinos allow 3-4-5x odds, where players can bet three times as much as the pass line bet you have made on 4 or 10; four times as much as the pass line bet on 5 or 9; and five times as much as the pass line wager on 6 or 8. If your best craps strategy is to continually practice the pass line bet and the max out the odds, then the house edge drops to just 0.374%. The playing table does not have a free place for the wager and gamblers should place it as they put the chips behind the pass line wager. You should position the bet after the establishment of the point.

Initially, it is wise to master this best strategy for craps and get more experienced and confident in your game. Then you can proceed further on and expand the craps betting strategy by including the come odds. This wager is similar to the one we described above but the difference is that gamblers make a bet before any other roll except the come out rolling. The subsequent roll is the come out one. Punters need to put their chips on the come line exactly before the making of the roll to initiate the come bets. Taking odds here is identical to the other wager we discussed and the same numbers apply. After the establishment of the point, you should toss the chips and announce “odds on the 5” or any other number, depending on the point. Then the dealer will put the chip to the particular point.

In the beginning, casino craps may seem quite challenging, and it may take some time to get experience in the game. However, you need to find and adopt the best craps strategy and this will dramatically enhance your skills and will boost your chances to win. Following the best craps betting system will give you an advantage over your opponents. Thus, your game will gradually become better, and you will get more confident and fruitful.

Understanding the Basics: The Best Strategy for Craps Can Be Quite Simple

After you select a good casino, it is time to get familiar with the best strategy for Craps by honing your skills and playing demos. Adopting a certain playstyle will help you understand its strong and weak points, which, by extension, will deepen your knowledge of the core aspects. At first, it may seem intimidating, but we’ve made sure to explain everything in a manner that is easily understood. Also, a long-lasting and stable plan of action doesn’t need to be elaborate. Knowledge of a couple of basic bets is all that’s required to play successfully.

Here’s How the Pass Line Bet Works

The essential wager each Craps player should understand is the “pass line bet.” It serves as the base of many Craps betting strategies and is a great move on its own due to its low house edge of 1.41%.

You place it directly on the “Pass Line” before the initial roll (A.K.A. the come-out roll). Pro tip: the little puck on the table always shows “OFF” before the come-out roll. This stake rewards you with a 1:1 payout when the shooter rolls 7 or 11. It loses on a roll of 2, 3, or 12, which is known as “Craps out.”

If any other number is rolled, the puck is turned, so it shows “ON” and placed on the corresponding position at the top zone (the 4-5-six-8-nine-10 area). Once this “box point” is established, your only goal is to roll the number in question. If you do, you’ll win. If a 7 is rolled beforehand, you’ll lose.

Why Is “Don’t Pass” So Controversial?

In real-life tables, most people base their casino Craps strategy on the pass line stake or wager solely on it. This way, everyone wins or loses together, which creates the whole “community” experience. Since “don’t pass” is essentially the opposite bet, you might make some enemies if you choose it and celebrate loudly on the playing table. However, it’s a great wager when playing online or if you’re not affected by the superstitions of those around you.

Don’t pass wins even-money on a roll of 2 or 3, with the 12 being a “tie,” which preserves the casino’s advantage. Some venues bar the 2 instead of the 12. One of the simplest Craps betting strategy tips we can give you is to look at the dice combination on the “Don’t pass” betting area to confirm the situation.

Conversely, you will lose if a 7 or 11 is rolled. Once a point is established, you will win on a roll of 7 and lose if the point number appears before it. At this stage, you have the advantage, as there are more ways to land a 7 than any other dice combination. What’s great about “don’t pass” is that it has a slim house edge of 1.37%, which is even lower than that of the “pass line.”

Place Bets Are Simple

A good casino Craps strategy is to utilize place bets. This is done by putting money on any of the numbers in the 4-5-six-8-nine-10 area after the come-out roll. You’ll win if it’s rolled before a 7 and lose if the 7 appears first. No other numbers matter for place bets. Keep in mind that while place wagers resemble odds bets (we’ll cover them in a bit), they don’t pay the same amounts.If you’re playing in a real-life casino, put your chips on the “come” area, and ask the dealer to “place the 4” (or any of the other numbers). In online games, you need to click on the little space beneath the numbers.


What do place bets pay in Craps? Let’s take a look:

  • 4 & 10 pay 9:5, so always stake in multiples of $5

  • 5 & 9 pay 7:5, again, bet in increments of $5

  • 6 & 8 pay 7:6, always stake in multiples of $6

The “Come” and “Don’t Come” Wagers: A Game within a Game

It’s possible to have great playing sessions by only utilizing the pass/don’t pass wagers. If you want to go for a more advanced Craps strategy, try to make things interesting with the come and don’t come stakes. Essentially, come works the same way as the pass line, while don’t come is identical to don’t pass. The only difference between them is that come and don’t come are placed after a point has been established in the come-out roll (the puck is “on”).

Let’s take an example and see if you can replicate it by using our demo:

  1. Put $5 on the pass line and start rolling. Your task is to establish a point with a roll of 4/5/6/8/9/10. If you roll 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12, just place another pass line bet.

  2. Once the puck switches to “ON,” this Craps betting strategy needs you to put $5 on “Come.” On your next roll, several things might happen. If a 7 appears, you’ll win the come bet but lose the pass line. You may also establish another point with the come bet. If 2, 3, or 12 appears, you’ll lose the come stake, but the initial pass line bet will be unaffected.

  3. In essence, you can use come to stack up several points up top and cover some of your losses. For example, if you’ve established 5, 6, and 8 as points, you will win when the dice rolls one of these numbers. The weak point of this casino Craps strategy is that you’ll lose all of them when the dreaded 7 appears.

What happens if you establish a point with a come bet and the pass line wins? A new round will start, but your money will remain on the point until that number or a 7 resolves the outcome. Now, it’s time to dive into the best wagers offered by this game.

Odds Bets Are the Best in Gambling

If you need more motivation to start playing Craps, check out the odds bets. These wagers might slip past inexperienced players, as there’s no marked area that signalizes their existence. However, learning how to play them is essential, as they come with no house edge. These bets are often included in the best Craps strategy guides, as the casino won’t take a percentage off your winnings.

32 Across Craps Strategy Rules

You can place odds bets on the pass line, don’t pass bar, come, and don’t come. Adding odds to the pass and come is known as “taking odds,” while “laying odds” is the term used when you use them with the don’t pass or don’t come. To keep things relatively simple, we’ll explain how to take odds with the pass line bet.

It’s important to note that certain online games don’t allow placing odds bets, and all casinos will limit the amount of money you can stake. The reason for this is that players can use a Craps betting strategy and a large bankroll to often turn a profit, which won’t keep the house in business for long. Typically, you’ll encounter the “3-4-5x” odds regulations. This means that you can bet:

  • Up to x3 times the amount on your pass line bet for the 4 and 10 point numbers

  • Up to x4 times for the 5 and 9 point numbers

  • Up to x5 times for the 6 and 8 point numbers

Let’s take an example and play it out with the demo. To take odds on the pass line, bet $5 on it and wait for a point to be established. If this point is a 4 or 10, you’ll typically be able to stake up to $15 as an odds bet, but our demo gives more leeway. The best Craps betting strategy will tell you to max out the odds bet, but don’t feel obliged to, especially if your bankroll is small. The area where you need to put down the chips for an odds bet is right on the point number. The placement in other versions might be behind your initial wager or just outside the pass line.

If you win on a 4 or 10, you’ll be paid 1:1 on your $5 pass line bet. The odds bet pays 2:1 because there are six ways to roll a 7, and three ways to roll a 4/10. This leads to three rules that you must include in your Casino craps strategy to avoid getting rounded down:

  • If the point is 6 & 8, bet in multiples of $5 because they pay 6:5

  • If the point is 5 & 9, wager even amounts of money ($2, $4, $6, etc.) because they pay 6:4 (3:2)

  • If the point is 4 & 10, you can use any chip, because the payout is 6:3 (2:1)

The only risk of the odds bet is that it gets wiped out with regular wagers. For example, rolling a 7 when you have pass line + odds stakes means that you’ll lose both. We’ve covered the best wagers in this game, so let’s move on to those you might want to avoid.

Field Bets: The Ultimate Inbetweeners

When it comes to field bets, Craps betting strategy tips will often seem confusing. Some people declare them as a bad move, while others say they can be viable. Before we share our opinion, let’s find out how field wagers work.

The area for placing them is called “Field” and contains the numbers 2-3-4-9-10-11-12. This is a one-roll bet, meaning that you will lose your stake if the above numbers don’t appear on the next roll. Usually, the 2 and 12 will be encircled, and a “pays double” sign will sit above them. If that’s the case, the house edge on this bet will be 5.56%, which isn’t too great.

If there’s a “pays triple” sign above the 2 or 12, the house advantage shrinks to 2.78%, which is much more palatable. If you’re curious, look for the advanced Craps strategy that uses field bets in our dedicated page for such systems.

A List of Wagers That You Never Want to Place

  • Proposition bets — this is the big area that contains eight dice combinations. They do have large payouts, but the house edge on them is gigantic. The only scenario in which you might want to bet on them is if you’re willing to take a long shot when you have a few extra $1 chips.

  • C-E — “C” stands for “Craps” (2, 3, 12) while “E” is for “Eleven.” These are also one-roll bets with bad odds, so any Craps betting strategy will tell you to skip them.

  • The Big 6 & 8 — This area is nonsensical, so some tables won’t even feature it. It pays 1:1 for a winning 6 or 8. However, you can do a place bet on the 6 and 8 and get $7 for every $6 you stake.

Choosing a Trustworthy Online Casino

As we have mentioned initially, choosing a reliable online casino with a positive reputation is essential if you want to implement the best Craps strategy and play the dice-rolling classic and other online games successfully. These days, most online casinos are full of attractive titles such as Slots, Blackjack, Roulette, and Poker. Choosing a suitable and trustworthy venue can be challenging, but the task gets easier if you know what you are looking for.

Hopefully, the information we will provide will help you find the best casino that fits your way of playing and your individual preferences, and where you can implement the best craps strategy. Our guides and reviews will supply enough valuable data to make gambling safe and fruitful for you.

Cherry Jackpot: The majority of gamblers prefer betting at Cherry Jackpot, and the reasons for their choice are countless. The establishment offers over two hundred games, including casino craps and many others. The quality and the graphics are super, and allow punters to enjoy the betting experience thoroughly. This casino offers the huge bonus of £1500 under certain conditions.

Leo Vegas Casino: It attracts customers with over 600 quality games with great graphics. The casino provides a 200% bonus plus two hundred free spins.

RoxyPalace: This gambling establishment offers more than five hundred games and its incentive amounts to £350 alongside with a hundred free spins or £15-worth free play.

Why is it so crucial for gamblers to find a good and secure online establishment? Some punters tend not to pay attention to security and reputation as they are eager to log in and play. They assume that all virtual casinos are the same, and don’t bother checking if the place they’ve chosen is legal and reliable. This usually results in trouble when it comes to cash out, an issue that the best strategy for Craps won’t be able to resolve.

To choose a credible online gambling facility, you should take a close look at what the casino has to offer and if these features fit your needs. Individual preferences are often deciding, but there are minimum requirements that you shouldn’t ignore. Our experts have compiled a shortlist of the essential characteristics that a casino should offer to guarantee an enjoyable playing experience:

  • The casino should be regulated and possess a valid license – look for an iGaming site that has a functioning permit from a reputable jurisdiction such as the UKGC, MGA, GGC, or others. Craps betting strategy tips only work on fair games. Another big plus is to see seals from independent testing agencies that audit the Random Number Generators of games.

  • The online casino should have a balanced and modern entertainment portfolio – the list of featured games should include different genres such as Craps, Baccarat, Slots, Roulette, Blackjack, and anything else you might like. It is essential that the casino provides a balanced selection of games, but they should be of good quality, too.

  • Transparent terms are a must – each reputable operator provides extensive and clear information about its bonuses and banking conditions. That way, players can easily establish if a deal is worth it and what methods they should use to deposit and cash out.

  • A trusted internet casino would have reliable customer support and various contact options – the support team should be available at any time of the day. Reps might not know the best Craps strategy, but they should be able to assist you if the game bugs out, didn’t pay right, and on all banking/bonus/safety/general game questions you might have.

  • Attractive bonuses for new players and regulars are always a plus – a generous promotional system is an indication that a casino values its new and existing players. Besides, everyone loves a fair shot at winning.

Develop the Best Craps Strategy by Choosing the Right System

There’s no such thing as a guaranteed method for winning in Craps or any other game of chance. Players may adopt certain systems, but each one has an inherent risk. Thus, we recommend that you view gambling as entertainment that costs money. Take any winnings as an addition to the fun, and never chase losses or spend cash that you can’t afford to lose.

Below, we’ll analyze the best Craps strategy for those on a low-to-medium budget. We’ll discuss its pros and cons, so you can determine if it’s a good match for you. If you want to browse more systems, feel free to check out our Craps Systems page.

A Low-Risk Approach for Players on a Budget

32 Across Craps Strategy Games


This plan of action utilizes the don’t pass bet in combination with place bets on the 6 and 8. The first step is to put $10 on don’t pass. As we mentioned earlier, you’ll win on a 2 or 3 and lose on 7 and 11, but that’s not the main goal. Once a point is established, follow it up by placing $6 on the 6, and $6 on the 8.

This is probably the best strategy for Craps if you want to protect your bankroll. After the come-out roll, the don’t pass bet will protect you against the 7, which is the most common dice combination. In the event of a 7, don’t pass will pay 1:1 ($10), and you’ll lose $12 from the other two bets for a total loss of $2. However, if there are frequent rolls of 6 and 8, you’ll make some decent winnings.

Another potential weakness is if the point is on 6 or 8. In this case, only one of these numbers will make you money. If you roll 6/8, you’re going to lose on the don’t pass (-$10) but win on the place bet for a total loss of $3.

32 Across Craps Strategy Against

This casino Craps strategy is great if you have $88-$220 to spend. If you’re in the green zone, it also offers some flexibility, like doubling down on the 6 and 8.

Ready to Roll the Dice?

32 Across Craps Strategy Board Game

If you’ve followed our tips and experimented with the free demo, you should have a good idea of what Craps is all about. From here, you might be wondering where to start playing for real money. Our website features reviews of verified online casinos that accept players from every corner of the globe. Make sure to check them out for the latest information regarding Craps, bonuses, banking, and other crucial features.

32 Across Craps Strategy Strategies

Those of you eager to find the best strategy for Craps are welcome to browse our dedicated strategy page. We’ve reviewed systems suitable for every budget, risk tolerance level, and playstyle, so we’re certain that you’ll discover something you’ll like. Good luck, shooter!