Online Casino Demographics

Posted By admin On 30/07/22

Online Gambling Statistics 12. Only 3% of the US population gambles online. ( This is significantly less than the online gambling population in the UK, which equals to 17%. That adds up to 5.3 billion pounds of revenue for just the online market. In comparison, the revenue for the US online gambling market was 306.5 billion in 2018. Over a quarter of the world’s population takes part in gambling It is estimated that around 26 percent of the world’s population gambles on a semi-regular basis. This statistic encompasses both online and traditional gambling. Online gambling websites in the USA make approximately $306.5 billion every year.

There are quite a few interesting facts and statistics about casino gambling in California that might be of interest to players and those simply involved in observing various aspects of the industry. Some of the more intriguing statistics paint the picture of what gambling is like in California and those who participate. The following takes a closer look at these. Various studies have been done in the state, administered by reputable parties such as the UCLA Gambling Studies Program and other professional state and private agencies involved in researching and providing support to gamblers in the California. You can learn more about some of these agencies in our page that covers gambling resources for California residents.

General Gambling Statistics in California

When looking at a comprehensive study that was held in 2006, it is shown that nearly 83 percent of residents of California have participated in gambling during their lifetime, with just over 58 percent of California adults having done so in the previous year. Over 20 percent of those polled say that they gamble at least once per month. When looking directly at the specific types of gambling, six out of ten adults in California have gambled at a casino, which is just below the seven out of ten that have played the lottery, making casino gambling the second most popular form of gambling in the state.

The common age group for those participating in casino gambling in California is 30-64, the amount of which is substantially higher than the age bracket of 18-29. As of the time when the study took place, gambling among Hispanics and Asians was lower overall than among Whites and African Americans. When identifying gambling patterns among California residents, 35 percent of respondents has gambled within the past year as opposed to the amount of gamblers that do so at least weekly, which is just around 10 percent. It’s also interesting to note that casino gamblers are more likely to have graduated college and be earning over $50,000 in annual household income.

Indian Casino Gambling Facts in California

There are also a wide range of interesting facts about tribal casinos in California. For one, they pay much lower taxes than those of standard casinos, as federal law protects their tribal properties. In general, they simply don’t receive as many types of gambling taxes as other casinos. It’s also important to note that Indian reservation casinos weren’t really that established of an industry until the 1970’s in the United States and the 1980’s in California. In such a short time, it has already turned into a massive industry. In California, there are between 40 and 50 different Indian tribes that own and run Indian reservation casinos. In relation to the rest of the United States, this covers about 25 percent of all Indian tribes that have a stake in building casinos on their land.

You will also find that the Indian casino gambling industry has grown at a much larger rate than traditional casinos. In fact, between the years of 2000 and 2010, Indian casino gambling grew at around eight times faster than its counterpart. California is also among a handful of states, including New York, Michigan, Oregon and Wisconsin, that has sent in applications to the BIA for gambling on off-reservation sites, though these applications have yet to be accepted. California also has more Indian tribe casinos than any other state within the United States. In total, these casinos earn well over $6 billion per year in revenue, which is a staggering sum. It might also be interesting to know that the Chumash Casino in Santa Barbara County is one of the more diverse Indian casinos in the United States, as it hosts over 3,500 visitors per day, with most of these visitors being Hispanic, while many of the employees are also non-Indian.

Statistics Concerning Online Casino Gambling in California

At this time, we were unable to locate documented online casino gambling statistics relevant to the state of California. There simply hasn’t been the type of research conducted on playing California online casino games as there has been for the brick and mortar gambling entertainment. We suspect that as California moves towards legalizing state regulated online gambling that this will change and that various gambling studies research teams at UCLA will jump at the chance to incorporate a new gambling venue into their program. At such time as those types of statistics start showing up, we will add them to this page.

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Online gambling statistics - how many people are addicted to online gambling websites and internet casinos? Although it is relatively easy to find information and facts on 'traditional' forms of gambling, internet gambling is a relativly new phenomenon and accurate information on online gambling statistics is difficult to find.
Below, TechAddiction has provided a number of interesting facts on internet casinos as well as selected online gambling statistics:

  • 'Pathological Gambling' was officially recognized as a clinical disorder in 1980 when it was first included in the DSM-III.


  • Although most people are able to gamble responsibly, it is estimated that 3% of the population struggles with pathological gambling.

  • The first online casino launched in August of 1996 (InterCasino, based in Antigua). Eighteen games were available at the time. There are now thousands of internet gambling websites and new online gambling businesses appear every day.

  • Most online gambling websites are not affiliated with land-based casinos. This is widely thought to be because traditional casinos did not want to get involved with a business model that would take away from traditional sources of revenue. This policy appears to be changing as traditional casinos are now developing their own online gambling websites.

  • There are no official product safety standards and regulations for online casinos. Players who choose to wager at online gambling websites essentially do so at their own risk.

  • Playing on 'free' internet gambling websites is a common activity for teenagers and young adults.

  • Research suggests that young males are most likely to engage in online gambling.

  • The first internet Bingo site went online in 1998.

  • The first online poker site (PlanetPoker) also started in 1998.

  • The number of online poker websites dramatically increased in 2003 when the World Series of Poker became a popular television program.

  • Total revenues from online casinos are difficult to pinpoint but have been estimated at $12 billion in 2005 and 15.2 billion in 2006. In 2010, revenues were 29.3 billion.

Online Casino Player Demographics

  • One in five online gamblers may be pathological gamblers

  • Approximately 4% of teenagers have a gambling problem.

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